Saturday, December 15, 2007

Christmas is almost here!

Not too much has happened since my last post. I've been on nights now for three weeks. Being a night worker has it's pros and cons. The amount of people out and about decreases considerably. Of the 1100 people on the base there are probably less than 150 people who work the night shift. It allows for some nice quiet times to reflect on being down here, read, and relax. I also don't have an excuse not to go work out and so I've been able to do something almost every day. The food is generally better for the lunch (midrat) meal since there are by far fewer people to cook for. Probably the best thing is that with fewer people around you get to spend a lot of time with a smaller group of people and get to know them better. That said, the biggest con is that I feel like I miss out a lot on seeing people I met the first 7 weeks. I see Deb and Matt only on my nights off and to play soccer. I've missed out on some pretty cool events, parties, and just hanging out by having to work an opposite schedule. I should have about two to three weeks more of nights - Right around New Years - before switching back to days for the rest of the season. I'm looking forward to heading back to days.

Christmas is coming up in a little over a week. It certaintly doesn't feel like Christmas down here yet. While there is snow/ice on the ground it hasn't actually snowed in a few weeks here. There is no Christmas music everywhere and very little decoration around to remind you it's coming. It's a little weird since Christmas is my favorite holiday of the year. I've spent 28 of 30 Christmas's in Chicago with the Ott family. I'll miss being there. It will be nice to have a couple of days off in a row again and the food will be amazing again here. Plus, spending time amongst the friends I've made here at the midnight Christmas meal should be alot of fun.

A lot of people have commented on how cold it looks here. It actually isn't as bad as you would think. For the first month I was here it was pretty cold. Long underwear and Jeans with at least three top layers were a must here with the weather moving between -10 and 10. Into the second month here it has really warmed up. Two weeks in the 20's and now were all the way up into the 30's this last week. 30 here feels more like 50 when the sun is shining here as it does most days. Jeans, a sweathshirt, and a coat is all anyone needs now.

So those that are curious, there has been no romance for me here on the ice as of yet. It's a bit tricky down here considering the small community and that there is really no place to go on a date here to be alone. I've been interested in people but because of the ratio of girls to guys down here the girls that are single have the interest of many guys. It can be a bit frustrating at times. I didn't come down here to find someone but found myself looking for a relationship. I've decided it's best not to look for it here and truly live in the moment. That's all I've got on that subject for now.

I posted some additional pictures below and hope to post more in the next few days.

Today marks almost the exact half point of my time here. I've officially been on ice for two months and am likely to be off the ice around the middle of February. I want to make the most out of the last two months. I've also been thinking about next season already and if I had to make a decision today I would probably sign up. It really has been a great experience and by coming back next year I would be reunited with friends from this season. If I do go the plan is for me to spend a few months after this season traveling, then head back to the states and visit with everyone there for a month or maybe two, and then go off to travel again until it's time for me to come back. Hopefully everything will fit into place.


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas, Jim.

anthes said...

hey jim
i wanted to wish you the most memorable christmas you've ever had in your life thus far. christmases away from family are often tough, but just imagine the stories you'll be telling at the ott-family christmas in chicago next year!!
i still don't get exactly what kind of base you're working on, why, and where your next travels will be, but in any case, a very merry christmas from france to antartica !! congrats on a hell of an adventure!!
sarah (anthes) planchon :)

Jeff said...

Hey Jim, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Not sure if you are right at the Geographic South Pole, but I heard there is a "300 Club" you should look into if you are. I think the guy that runs the IT department can help you out.