Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Chapter 1 - Where in the World is Jim

Almost there. It's been a long road but I'm finally about to leave for what I believe will be the most exciting time of my life. I'm headed to Denver tomorrow, New Zealand on Friday, and then on to Antarctica on Sunday. This is just the beginning as I'll also be trying to see as much of the world as I can for as long as I can make the savings last. So welcome to my blog. I want to use this as a travel journal as well as a way to let all the people who I care about to see what I'm up to and a way to keep in touch with all of you. I'll always have e-mail, but will not always have the time to send to everyone I want to. As I travel any of you are more than welcome to join me on my way. I'll be roughing it a bit after Antarctica, staying primarily in hostels, so if your game just let me know where you want to meet up and I'll do all I can to meet you.

So my sis and brother in law already made it there last Saturday. It's been great to visit with my parents and with my sis and her family. Eventually I'll be grateful for the extra time I've had to sit around and live a total life of leisure. However, right now I'm so excited to go and start this adventure that I'm jealous of all those that are down to the ice before me. I'm ready to go! I've been ready to go for two plus years. I really didn't decide to pursue the Antarctic program until this last winter when I became closer and closer to my ultimate goal of traveling the world. What better way to start it all off in going Antarctica. It really has been a long road, a lot of saving, planning, and dreaming. And so it begins....


Anonymous said...

Ott-o-matic! I can't wait to read about all the cool things you get to do that I don't. I'm not bitter at all, I swear. (:

Annabegins said...

Good luck, Jim! I hope you get the adventure you're looking for on your trip. Take a picture of a penguin for me. (= PS: I think Chris is a little bitter.

Unknown said...

Please include any naughty stories on your trip for all of us married guys, you have to keep warm somehow and why not share it with the world???

Anonymous said...

Good luck Jimmy. If have any adventures with Asian women on the road, feel free to email the frisky details to me individually. Have a great time.

Matt said...

Have jun Jim. I can't believe the offensive posts that Kyle and Andy made, it's good that you're getting away from them. Run Jimmy, Run with all your might and never look back!

Anonymous said...

Shut up, Levison!

Anonymous said...

WAY TO GO JIM!!! KEEP PURSUING ALL THINGS COOL!! Have a great time, for as long as you can. When you get a chance, we all want to hear as much about your travels as you have time for!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the adventure! Your blog is making Antarctica real to me. Mrs. A.

jschil02 said...

Hey Jim,
Do you have time for an update...We miss you and playing risk.